
Showing posts from 2017

Major Decisions: Review

The whole concept of regret doesn’t resonate when you’re confident in the choices that you’ve made, and for Maya Black and Jalen Kilgore, they go after what they want and do what needs to be done as seen in the video. They have very different reasons for not choosing a major within the field that they’re passionate about. We saw Black saying how you don’t need a degree to start a business , she already started the steps to prove that theory correct. We saw Kilgore thrive in the fascination of clothing and lavish items, but realizing that to attain and maintain those things it comes with hard work. Therefore, no matter the reason for not choosing a major that they’re passionate in, both hold no regrets and realize what’s ahead for them. 

Major Decisions: Preview

By the time you entered grade school you already knew what you wanted to be in life, others not so much. The immense pressure that comes with choosing your major can affect the rest of your life, and for some college students, that decision alone contains a battle between passion and financial security. The older you get the more you start to form passions for certain things and those things become something you want to make a living off of—the only catch is college. It's a moment of fantasy vs. reality and it's up to you to decipher your path to happiness or contentment. In this video, you’ll see two students explaining their choice in major, despite it having nothing to do with their true passions. Though their majors were similar, you’ll get to see an in depth look onto their very different perspectives of why they’ve chosen a different path. Either way, both hold no regrets and look forward to the future. 

Summer Goals: Review

The concept of doing nothing during the summer as a college student is one mistake you don’t want to make and as seen in the video, sophomore students Daijah Heron and Jaelyn Funches are not taking that risk. They had very different approaches to this summer in terms of their goals and how it relates to personally marketing themselves by building a brand that separates them from the rest. We saw that Heron wants to focus on resume building due to the tough competitive field of her business major . We saw that Funches had a different approach to the summer, saying that being a dentistry major allowed her the opportunity to do research and be able to go to India . She finds motivation through quotes and positive mindsets that get her through the day. Therefore, no matter the approach to this summer, both students are essentially doing what works for them…regardless of the situation they’ve been put in.  

Summer Goals: Preview

The struggle that every college student faces in the midst of focusing on midterms/finals, is the decision of what you're going to do in your three months of "free time," that literally could change the course of your life before you go back to school—again. That moment where you're deciding whether to "turn up" for the summer, or actually plan your life/career goals. Every year, students think of ways to stand out among the crowd and that usually takes place during the summer time. Personal branding is something that separates yourself from the competition—like internships andexperience. In this video you will see a few students who broadcast what they’re doing this summer to separate themselves from the pack. You’ll find out what “building a brand,” means to them and how differently the two perspectives are. Either way, both are taking their summer goals very seriously. 

Review: Scandal episode "Pressing the Flesh."

Madame President Mellie Grant just wants the world to accept the fact that female achievement can come from the highest level; and getting the President of Bashranin in the Middle East to sign a peace treaty was the first step in which she succeeded.  Grant stuck through the tough discussions and sly comments about her and used her charm to win over President Rashad. Meanwhile, QPA attended the state dinner and didn't find any new clients despite their efforts .  Olivia continued her usual spew messing around with talk show host and politician Curtis Pryce , despite not wanting him as a date to the state dinner.  The episode concludes with Olivia kissing Curtis in the elevator on the way up to her floor just to see that former President of the U.S. and ex boyfriend, Fitzgerald Grant is waiting for her. 

Preview: Scandal episode "Pressing the Flesh."

President Mellie Grant , the first female to hold this prestige, is having trouble being taken seriously; hence, she's a recently divorced and single woman.  In tonight's episode of "Pressing the Flesh," Madame President Grant cozies up to President Rashad of fictional Bashranin, in an attempt to find peace in the Middle East.  Recently on the outs ever since Olivia Pope , current White House Chief of Staff and former leader/founder of Olivia Pope and Associates leaves, the new QPA of Quin and Associates struggle to find new clientele.  Previously it was seen that Olivia, though very busy trying to push a new bill through, isn't too busy for a little romance with talk show host and politician Curtis Pryce.